Beware of the time crashers
Could you just....
Can I just ask you....
We have all had it, we have all experienced it, you have blocked out a nice few hours of quality time to get done that important task that you have been putting off for a while because you need time to think and really engage with the job at hand. Just as you start you get the worst productivity interruption....
The 'Time crasher'
They sneak up on you at the worst time and need something "urgently" or want to have a chat about a "really important" issue. Despite in most cases it is not "urgent", they could find it out themselves but can't be bothered or just want a chat to avoid doing their own work. I have been there; in a role that has a mix of deep analysis and constant interruptions from people needing help and there is a little trick I have used to much success...
The 30-minute rule
The premise is that most requests are not so urgent that they need to be answered straight away and interrupt your productive working. Of course, I do recognise that there are probably a few areas that would need interruption - customer order about to fail and really annoy your most important customer, the CEO on an urgent call, the nursery about your ill child, but I would hope these events are few and far between
However, when your 'Time crasher' arrives at your desk, sends you an IM or constantly rings your phone; you politely....
Point out that you are just in the middle of something, but if they come back in 30 minutes you will be more than happy to help out.
OK so it might not give you your nice planned 2 hours of concentrated working, but you will find out 9 times out of 10 you won't hear from them again. They will have actually got off their butt and sorted it out for themselves, found the file or looked at the email you sent them last time about it. Job done!
A win for professional relationships and productivity, go on give it a go!